Thursday, October 7, 2010

Zotero (the research tool)

Zotero is a research tool that works with firefox and helps keep track of your research, such as links and notes. It is all neatly organized on the bottom rigth corner of your browser so you always have it when you are online. I have used this many times and it is so helpful. I really like how if I need to do a citation on a link and don't remember what website i used, I can go down to Zotero and find it easily. I also really like how you can write little notes with each link and write about each website. So when I am looking for a certian website in Zotero I don't have to look at each one, i can just read my little notes and figure out which one I want to look at. Zotero is really helpful for school research projects or anything that requires looking at alot of links for information.  

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