Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It Can Be Too Much

School  can be very overwhelming sometimes. Especially in high school. There is so much going on that teachers forget that their students have 6 other classes to deal with. For example if a teacher gives homework tonight (let’s say it's Monday), a 1 page essay due in a week, and a quiz on Friday. Then another teacher assigns homework tonight, a quiz Wednesday and then a test next Monday. And let’s say 3 or 4 other teachers do the same thing but instead of an essay due next week, it’s a project. Or instead of a test next week, it's a presentation. It becomes a huge overload of work. All of these assignments are a big part of your grade so you can't slack off on any of them. It gets crazy to think when you get home Monday afternoon you have to think about all the homework due tomorrow, then  the essay, the test, the projects due next week, and the quizzes  this week. Students can get really stressed and most students do extra activities after school which makes it all even harder to maintain. I think teachers need to spread out the work they are giving or give less of it because 7 classes a day is bad enough and then they have to give so much work to do at home on top of the work the students do in school. Somethimes it can be too much.   

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